If you are not satisfied with your purchase from AvarcasUSA.com, you can return your unused item for a refund if it arrives back to our warehouse within 30 days from the Shipping Date. Outlet items are final sale and are not eligible for return.
To return an item, go to avarcasusa.com/returns. This will direct you to our returns tool. Enter in your order number and email accordingly and choose which item you would like to return, and follow the instructions.
Once your return request has been approved you will receive two emails, one with a free pre-paid return label and one with a return authorization number (RA #) and instructions. There is an $ 9 restocking fee per item on all returns, except on returns that opt for store credit where the $ 9 restocking fee is waived. Store credit is non-refundable and never expires. We only accept returns that have been initiated and processed through the Returns Tools. Merchandise must be returned in original condition. Returns received in worn or damaged condition cannot be accepted for a refund. We reserve the right to deny or refuse any return based on the products' condition. Fees may apply.
It may take 4 to 5 days for your returned merchandise to reach our warehouse and we encourage customers to follow their returns' tracking number. Once your order is received at our warehouse it will be inspected by personnel (usually within 72 business hours of receipt).
You can follow the same instructions as a regular return, however we unfortunately we do not provide return labels for international orders. There is a $ 9 restocking fee per item in all returns (which will be deducted from your refund). To return your order please ship to the address below:
Avarcas USA
1835 Main St.
San Diego, CA 92113
We encourage you to check tracking often. If you have have any concern on the whereabouts of your package, please contact us.
We do not offer exchanges. The easiest way to swap your shoes for a different pair is by returning for store credit and using that credit to re-order a new pair. Store credit is issued via email after your return has been received and inspected at our facility. We cannot retroactively apply store credit.
Regular refunds are issued to the original payment method (Visa, MasterCard, PayPal, Gift Card, Store Credit, etc). Credit card refunds may take 3-7 business days to post into the account. Store Credit refunds will be sent as a code inside of the "Refund Complete" email. If the original payment method is unavailable or cancelled, the return balance will be issued as store credit. Original shipping fees, including Shipping Insurance, and our restocking fee(s) are non refundable.
Our team is so quick, we have packages flying out the door! When you submit an order we are unable to cancel or modify it. However, if your order is eligible for a return, send it on over!
A $ 0.30 cancellation fee will apply on all cancelled orders in case we are able to cancel your order upon your request. There is an additional 4.9% cancellation fee of your total on all orders that are cancelled and placed via Afterpay.
It is the customer's responsibility to review the shipping information before checking out and use a safe, secure destination for their package. If a package is lost during transit and Shipping Insurance was purchased at checkout please email [email protected] to initiate a claim. Avarcas USA will not refund or replace any order that was uninsured or whose claim was denied.
Any package that arrives back to our warehouse will be processed as a regular return. This includes packages that are refused, returned to sender or undeliverable. Regular returns are subject to restocking fees and standard processing times.
We assess defective item claims on a case by case basis. Please email us at [email protected] with the following information:
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